How To Find The Right Water Treatment Technology

Pressure on the world’s water resources is ever increasing and by 2030 demand for fresh water is predicted to exceed available resources by 40%. When combined with increasingly stringent discharge requirements and carbon reduction targets, this presents both a challenge and opportunity for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment plants to evolve the way wastewater is managed in order to optimise plant performance and maximise recovery of resources.

Fortunately, with ongoing innovation across the water industry, there is access to new processes and technology to produce energy and recycle water for reuse on site.

This means your wastewater treatment plant can begin to bring value to the business and the environment, rather than simply existing as a function to treat effluent for discharge.

Start with your goals

When looking for the right water or wastewater treatment technology or solution, the best place to start is with your goal, or the challenge you are looking to resolve within your business. Examples could include:

  1. Scaling up production or capacity on-site, which increases pressure on your wastewater treatment plant but also creates an opportunity to recover power and water, to increase capacity in a sustainable way.
  2. Progressing towards net zero and environmental targets through resource recovery, such as energy and water.
  3. Reduction of operating costs through improving water or wastewater treatment plant performance, generating power and recycling water.
  4. Improving process safety and operational safety on site, which is crucial on Anaerobic Digestion plants where biogas is generated.
  5. Ensuring consistent compliance with Environment Agency and SEPA regulations and discharge contents.

Choose the best wastewater treatment solution provider

Every site and sector has unique requirements and challenges. As a project or upgrade is likely to involve significant investment it is important to choose the right provider. Here are four key factors to consider:

Diverse range of experience: A provider should be able to draw on insight and experience from operating, designing and implementing solutions across a wide range of sectors.

Access to a range of technologies: A provider that accesses the whole market may provide a solution that is more cost-effective and tailored to specific needs than one limited to their own technology.

Proven Track record: Selecting a provider that can demonstrate their performance with case studies and references for projects and experience in your sector and related sectors.

Highly qualified and experienced team: A high level of expertise, insight, and experience is crucial to identifying, designing, and implementing a solution that guarantees successful outcomes.

Get in touch

Our team of experts with over 30 years’ of design, build and operation of innovative wastewater solutions can provide advice and information on a range of solutions to help you achieve your goals.

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Why choose Alpheus?

We’ve highlighted six reasons to choose Alpheus, read more about our the water and wastewater project based and management services we offer via the link below.

  • Highly qualified team of engineers, operators and scientists
  • Significant operations and management experience
  • Part of one of the UK’s largest water companies, Anglian Water
  • Trusted by some of the biggest names across a range of industries
  • An independent solutions provider
  • Building Information Modelling (BIM) available
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